Posts Tagged ‘nano wands’

Zero Point Wands – Amega Zero Point Wands Amwand Price

Why Is The Amega Amwand Price Higher Than Other Zero Point Wands Prices? MLM companies typically have higher prices to pay the upline above the purchase. It is a model that lots of people enjoy who want to have their own business. A lot of people above the purchaser get a commission on what you […]

Zero Point Wand –Regular Zero Point Wand or Full Spectrum Zero Point Wand?

Which Zero Point Wand Should I Buy? Most zero point wands on the market are sold as is direct from the factory. The companies don’t know how to test them, don’t have the technology to do it or can’t be bothered because it is too expensive. Then ethically, they should be fixed. The result is […]

Zero Point Energy Wand –Zero Point Energy Wand Nano Wand Pen

What Is A Nano Zero Point Energy Wand Pen? It actually looks like a pen but it isn’t. It is supposed to be a zero point healing tool that helps heal the body from certain types of symptoms. The challenge with them is that most nano wand pens are totally  ineffective in doing what they […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Nano Zero Point Energy Wand

Nano Zero Point Energy Wand The trend with nano zero point energy wands seems to be that they are generic zero point energy wands that are sold as is right from the factory. They operate on a narrow band of frequencies or they do nothing.  They are sold as zero point energy products but most […]