Why Is The Amega Amwand Price Higher Than Other Zero Point Wands Prices? MLM companies typically have higher prices to pay the upline above the purchase. It is a model that lots of people enjoy who want to have their own business. A lot of people above the purchaser get a commission on what you […]
Posts Tagged ‘amega zero point wands’
Zero Point Wand – Zero Point Wand Global
April 26th, 2014 zpewandadmin
Should I Buy An Amwand Zero Point Wand From Zero Point Global? Amega Global is the MLM company that sells a range of zero point products including a zero point wand called the amwand. Amega made two versions of their wand, both very expensive, which is typical of MLM products but at least it gives […]
Zero Point Wand – Amega Zero Point Wand Scam
March 26th, 2014 zpewandadmin
Is The Amega Zero Point Wand A Scam? Things that look different always appear to be a scam until they are proven otherwise. Many people are very skeptical and find it hard to be convinced that something works. The zero point wand phenomenon is no different. Amega Global sells the amega zero point wand that […]