Should I Buy an eAmega or an Iyashi Zero Point Wand? The most obvious differences between the eAmega wand and the Iyashi wand is that the Iyashi wand is cleaned up energetically, re-engineered, infused with BFIT and then tested and the eAmega wand is sold as is from the factory. Every Iyashi zero point wand […]
Posts Tagged ‘zero point wands’
Zero Point Wand – How is eAmega Zero Point Wand Different Than the Iyashi Zero Point Wand?
Zero Point Wand –Iyashi Zero Point Wand’s Zero Point Global Trade In Program
Iyashi Zero Point Wand’s Zero Point Global Trade In Program Innovative Ionizing Technologies has introduced a Zero Point Global Trade In Program to offer discounts to amwand purchasers who mail in their amwand and purchase a much better performing Iyashi full spectrum zero point wand. So far the trade in program has been highly successful […]
Zero Point Wand – The Amega Zero Point Wand or The Iyashi Zero Point Wand
Is the Amega wand or the Iyashi Full Spectrum Wand Better? Of all the zero point wands on the market the Iyashi full spectrum zero point wand is the only one of its kind anywhere. It has been tested and re-engineered in Canada to meet strict exacting standards of range of use, range of influence, […]
Zero Point Wand –Regular Zero Point Wand or Full Spectrum Zero Point Wand?
Which Zero Point Wand Should I Buy? Most zero point wands on the market are sold as is direct from the factory. The companies don’t know how to test them, don’t have the technology to do it or can’t be bothered because it is too expensive. Then ethically, they should be fixed. The result is […]