Dogs, just like cats enjoy a good vibe. They love good energy. It keeps them happy and healthy and makes them feel better when they are low. Animals aren’t great fans of change but most of the time they can adapt and get over whatever it is. Sometimes however, loss is just too much to […]
Archive for December, 2014
Energy Wands – Using Energy Wands For Your Cat
Cats are very energy sensitive, in addition to being very picky. They also hide issues very well and you need to be very familiar with your pussy to notice subtle changes that indicate something may be wrong. Using an energy wand like a zero point energy wand on your cat may help shift what is […]
Energy Wands – Energy Wands For Pain
Pain is one of the things that people fear most. It is one of the most unpleasant things a person can experience and it is caused by restricted or blocked energy caused by emotional upset, injury, surgery, emotional shock or a myriad of other personal insults. These insults have a very strong connection between the […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Sleep Insomnia
There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep. If you take medication for it you generally feel like you are hung over in the morning, making it difficult to function. You know you need to sleep and you may be shocked to learn that the root of most sleep problems is energetic in […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Sleep
Have you ever stayed in a hotel room where there was so much noise you couldn’t sleep? It was party time! Those frenetic energies permeated your room and kept you awake. A similar situation happens in your own home only there is no noise and the party seems to be going on in your energy […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Mental Fog
There are actually quite a few things that can cause mental fog but all of them may just be part of a chain that starts as an energetic issue that causes a physical organ slowdown which causes mental fog. Regardless of the cause, mental fog cuts the motivation and the productivity to the point where […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Infinity Wand Zero Point Energy Wand Healing
Health practitioners and healers have known for thousands of years that healthy free flowing energy is the secret to vibrant health and longevity. Zero point energy wands are a modern take on this old premise. The difference is that you really are your own healer, you always have been but incoherent energies have clouded your […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Amwand Zero Point Energy Wand Healing
There are a lot of critics out there that say that zero point field healing is a scam, but that does not account for the thousands of people who are now symptom-free from what may have been bothersome for years. Zero point field healing is a new take on an old premise put forward in […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Help For Insomnia
Being unable to get to sleep or stay asleep is very exhausting. Not only does your body not rest properly, it can’t repair and restore itself properly either and it is all caused by chaotic energy in the energy field. If your mind won’t quiet or you are restless in bed, the root cause is […]