Iyashi Wand Review



IYASHI WAND W CASEIyashi wand is a high quality re-engineered zero point energy wand that is sold on the Iyashi Source website along with other premier energy products. It is used by many health professionals and healers worldwide in addition to thousands of ordinary people who have reduced their pain levels, improved their sleep and reclaimed their health.

Iyashi Wand Effectiveness And Performance

Every Iyashi wand is stripped of all junk energies, re-engineered and infused with BFIT (Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology) and tested to make sure every wand performs like every other Iyashi wand. It has also been field tested with actual people with real health issues. Iyashi has also provided dozens of wanding techniques and provided loads of educational material to help everyone gain maximum benefit from the use of their wand. The Iyashi wand is the first full spectrum zero point energy wand on the market and even though others have used full spectrum in their sales copy, it appears to be in name only. There is nothing full spectrum that has been found in any other brand.

Iyashi Wand Infusion Technology

BFIT is infused into every Iyashi wand so that each full spectrum wand performs like every other Iyashi wand. Your body contains a full spectrum of energy frequencies which are supported by BFIT to help the body re-modulate any wayward frequencies that may have strayed from their innate frequencies. This helps speed healing and improve feelings of well-being.

Iyashi Wand Brand Awareness

Iyashi have become known for its excellent quality and reliability of its products worldwide. Quite often the competition will phone our customer service desk enquiring if we can help them with technical and technology issues. Customers rely on us to help them with their questions and the trade-in program is highly successful, turning disappointed wand users into satisfied Iyashi customers.

Iyashi Wand Price/Value

For the amount of effort put into each and every Iyashi wand, the value you get is excellent. The loads of free information and wanding techniques you get is an added bonus. In addition Iyashi has full email and phone support available to anyone. Every Iyashi wand works to a high standard of effectiveness and performance to be sure you will not be disappointed with your purchase.

Iyashi Wand Company Support

Iyashi has full email and phone support willing to help you as much as they can. They stand behind their products and constantly monitor them and the market for hints of ways Iyashi can be improved. So far, the product is the best that the company can produce with their years of experience in the alternative health market.

Iyashi Wand Summary

For value, effectiveness and performance, the Iyashi is the most consistent zero point energy wand on the market today. There is nothing like it, nor is there the level of customer service available with any other company. If I was to put my money anywhere, I would put it with Iyashi.