Posts Tagged ‘Iyashi full spectrum zero point energy wand’

Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Sleep

Have you ever stayed in a hotel room where there was so much noise you couldn’t sleep? It was party time! Those frenetic energies permeated your room and kept you awake. A similar situation happens in your own home only there is no noise and the party seems to be going on in your energy […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Fatigue

Ancient physicians and healers have known for thousands of years that fatigue is associated with energy depletion in your energy field. Whether you ran yourself to exhaustion or you just can’t manage to get through your day, you energy is depleted enough that even that 3 pm Mars Bar isn’t going to help you. What […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Anxiety

Using a Zero Point Energy Wand To Help Balance The Energy Of Anxiety As alarming as anxiety is there is an energetic component to it that causes the mind to race and the body to react. This energy streaming will never be removed or reduced with pills. The pills will numb the body and mind […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand For Headaches

Using A Zero Point Energy Wand For Headache Relief Without Side Effects Headaches are so awful that most people resort to pills for relief. Along with the accompanying side effects there hasn’t been a fast, effective treatment that doesn’t have any. People who were prone to headaches suffered one way or another. Now there is […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand And Your Herd Animals

How To Use A Zero Point Energy Wand  On Your Herd Animals Just like field crops, herd animals form energy matrixes where the herd is in tune with everything around them. You can see it in flocks of starlings, a breed of bird, where the large flocks all move in unison, abruptly changing direction all […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – A Zero Point Energy Wand And Your Plants

Using A Zero Point Energy Wand To Keep Your Plants Healthy Plants have an energy field just like we do although it is a little more primitive. It reacts to energy and its situation  and can benefit from the use of a good quality zero point energy wand.  Plants react to stress from too little […]

Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand

How Can I Find A Cheap Energy Wand That Will Work For Me? Do you play dice? Your chances of finding a cheap energy wand that will work for you, is not as good as your chances of rolling double sixes. Let me explain. Yes, there are very inexpensive energy wands out there but their […]

Amega Global Wand – Black Tip Amwand Amega Global Wand

How is the Amega Global Wand Black Tip Amwand Better? According to Amega  Global, their new and improved Black Tip Amwand is better than their previous production. It apparently has 12 different minerals including diamond dust so it supposed to perform 50 percent better than their previous model. If nothing else the price is through […]

Nano Wand – Is The Nano Wand A Zero Point Energy Wand?

How Does The Nano Wand Work With The Zero Point Field? In order for anything to work with the zero point field it has to somehow have resonance with it.  Everything in the universe is part of the zero point field. It is the framework on which everything is built. As Creation happens, energies differentiate […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Iyashi Zero Point Energy Wand and Your Energy Meridians

How Does The Iyashi Zero Point Energy Wand Work On Your Energy Meridians? It has been known for thousands of years that energy meridians exist in and around your body and their condition and flow affect health and vitality of your organs and body parts. Health has been positively affected by the use of acupuncture […]