Cats are very energy sensitive, in addition to being very picky. They also hide issues very well and you need to be very familiar with your pussy to notice subtle changes that indicate something may be wrong. Using an energy wand like a zero point energy wand on your cat may help shift what is […]
Posts Tagged ‘zero point energy field’
Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand And Reiki
Using A Zero Point Energy Wand To Make Your Reiki Sessions More Powerful The zero point energy field is where scalar energy first manifests. It is the place of pure potential before the energy differentiates into energies with specific qualities and attributes. Once energy takes on qualities, it can become contaminated with invisible junk. It […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Zero Point Energy Wand And Increasing Your Crop Yields
Strengthening The Field Crop Matrix Using A Zero Point Energy Wand Field crops are one of the easiest to affect positively using zero point energy. The process is simple yet effective in optimizing the size of your plants and their yields using a zero point energy wand like the Iyashi wand. The zero point field […]
Nano Wand – Nano Wand or Iyashi Wand?
What Is The Difference Between the Nano Wand And The Iyashi Wand? The zero point energy wand phenomenon gives people an alternative to medication in the form of pills and injections to help reduce and eliminate symptoms in the body. With chronic conditions the body desperately wants to rid itself of symptoms that limit full […]
Zero Point Wand –Full Spectrum Zero Point Wand
Why a Full Spectrum Zero Point Wand Is Best The framework for the Universe and everything in it is the zero point energy field. The energy changes to make everything look different but the root of it all is the zero point energy. The zero point field contains scalar energy which is unlike the moving […]
Zero Point Energy Wand – Full Spectrum versus Zero Point Energy Wand
How Is A Full Spectrum Zero Point Energy Wand Different Than Just A Zero Point Energy Wand? The zero point energy field is the framework which everything in the Universe is a part of. The energy diversifies to make everything look different but the root of it all is the zero point energy. Your body […]