Zero Point Wand – Amega Zero Point Wand Scam


Is The Amega Zero Point Wand A Scam?

Things that look different always appear to be a scam until they are proven otherwise. Many people are very skeptical and find it hard to be convinced that something works. The zero  point wand phenomenon is no different. Amega Global sells the amega zero point wand  that is touted as being the best zero point wand in the world.

Iyashi Zero Point Wand To The Rescue

If that is so, I wonder why there are hundreds of them sitting in a mountainous pile in the Innovative Ionizing Technologies fulfillment center from the amega trade in  program. Obviously, hundreds of dissatisfied amega global customers were not happy with their amega zero point  wand and the company didn’t want to do anything about it. IIT initiated the amega trade in program in an effort to fix what appeared to be a broken industry. One rotten apple can ruin the whole barrel. To keep and grow their business IIT responded to hundreds of phone calls and emails from people who had bought an amwand in a desperate attempt to improve their health, many of whom spend money they couldn’t afford to spend.

Amega Zero Point Wand Strategy

Amega Global is an MLM company who moved to North America as a subsidiary of Amega Global Asia and touted their dog and pony show across the US and parts of Canada. They demonstrated their amwand on people in the audience who could have been planted, who knows. But when people bought their own amega wand, somehow the zero point wand didn’t work like it did in the demo. People who were suffering were very upset thinking they had been duped. The company could not be contacted by phone, the distributors couldn’t afford to give the person a refund so they were stuck with something they felt didn’t work. In all fairness, there were people who were satisfied with their purchase but not everyone was. The dissatisfied ones were more than a few. If the people who found the Amega trade in program are any indication, IIT was wondering how many incoherent Amega zero point wands are still out there.

The Amega Zero Point Wand Trade-In Program

The people who participate in the amega trade in program get a full spectrum Iyashi zero point wand complete with BFIT (Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology ) infusion with thousands of clean, effective and efficient frequencies and frequency formulas that works on dozens of symptoms and symptom types. Is there an Amega zero point wand scam? You decide.

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