Zero Point Wand – BFIT or Amized Fusion In A Zero Point Wand


Is BFIT or Amized Fusion The Best?

Almost nobody in the world of zero point wands outside of Amega knows if Amized Fusion actually exists as a process or if it is just a name given to a fictitious process to justify the high cost of their MLM product and differentiate it from the nano zero point wand market.  All the scientific testing points to the fictitious part.

Zero Point Wand Quality Control Is Key

The huge quality control problem that Amega Global has caused Innovative Ionizing  Technologies to initiate an Amega trade in  program whereby a discount on an Iyashi zero point wand was issued when they mailed in their Amega zero point wand. IIT tested every amwand mailed to them to see what was wrong with them. IIT was shocked at the poor consistency in the way these zero point wands were designed to work. You would think a brand of wand would be consistent in range of use, range of influence, frequency ranges and overall performance but the amwand was not. If the amized fusion process actually exists it does not create a consistent product. The frequencies were weak and all over the place. In some instances the frequencies were non-existent.  The Amega zero point wand performed similarly to the cheap $15 ebay nano wands which are basically junk. The price of the amwand is high when a lot of them work like junk.

Balancing  Energy Frequencies With A  Zero Point Wand

In order for an improvement in symptoms to occur there has to be a natural frequency that the body recognizes and can resonate with to harmonize and balance incoherent frequencies within itself. Scientific research has shown incoherent frequencies can have an emotional root and they can cause symptomatic disease somewhere in the body eventually.  If a zero point wand contains nothing or very weak incoherent frequencies it will not work to improve any symptom or the effect will be short lived.

Iyashi Zero Point Wand BFIT Infusion

When you have a frequency infusion package like BFIT (biometric Frequency Infusion Technology)  infused into the Iyashi zero point wand, it contains thousands of frequencies and frequency formulas that the body can choose from and resonate with to change the qualities of incoherent energies in the energy field. There are enough frequencies and frequency formulas that can last a lifetime. Every Iyashi wand that contains BFIT is consistent in range of use, range of influence, frequency range and overall performance. If you have tried other zero point wands and you try the full spectrum Iyashi wand you will notice the difference. If you have never used other zero point wands, don’t bother. You will be wasting your money. BFIT outperforms everything currently on the market.

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