Posts Tagged ‘Iyashi zero point wand’

Zero Point Wand – BFIT or Amized Fusion In A Zero Point Wand

Is BFIT or Amized Fusion The Best? Almost nobody in the world of zero point wands outside of Amega knows if Amized Fusion actually exists as a process or if it is just a name given to a fictitious process to justify the high cost of their MLM product and differentiate it from the nano […]

Zero Point Wand – Amega Zero Point Wand Scam

Is The Amega Zero Point Wand A Scam? Things that look different always appear to be a scam until they are proven otherwise. Many people are very skeptical and find it hard to be convinced that something works. The zero  point wand phenomenon is no different. Amega Global sells the amega zero point wand  that […]