Posts Tagged ‘full spectrum Iyashi wand’

Energy Wand – What is Energy Wand Resonance?

Why is Energy Wand Resonance Important? An energy wand is a healing device that everyone can use to initiate self healing or healing of others provided it can access and resonate at appropriate healing frequencies. In order for healing to take place, there must be a means of changing incoherent, dark energies that cause symptoms […]

Zero Point Wand – Iyashi Zero Point Wand For Staying Healthy

I Am In Good Health. How Can An Iyashi Zero Point Wand Help Me? An Iyashi wand is a really good option for anyone. One can only guess by what happens to one’s health by looking at one’s parents, how one’s senior years will look health-wise. In a lot of instances the mind is good, […]

Zero Point Energy Wand – Iyashi Zero Point Energy Wand and Your Energy Meridians

How Does The Iyashi Zero Point Energy Wand Work On Your Energy Meridians? It has been known for thousands of years that energy meridians exist in and around your body and their condition and flow affect health and vitality of your organs and body parts. Health has been positively affected by the use of acupuncture […]

Amega Global – How is Amega Global Wand Different Than Iyashi Wand?

Is the Amega Global Wand the Best? Amega Global was an Asian based MLM company that moved to North America and set up an MLM structured business primarily in the US. They bought factory made products and sold them at prices way beyond what they were worth to support the MLM model. They claim to […]